Creating A Concept
Creating A Concept
This creation of concepts requires a little planning and thought. Previously the idea of creating a concept was usually done when the services of an advertising company was sought. However of late
anyone and everyone intending to go into business, where the visibility element is pivotal and needed while maintaining the recognition in an individualistic way, the idea of concept creation becomes a vital.
The following are some points that can shed some ideas on the issue of concepts:
Concept ideas in the form of proposals – this is mostly where the consumers view are taken into consideration and any adjustments made to the business, products or service is very much dictated by
the customers input.
The information can be gotten through the various different levels of the business engine and not necessarily only from the consumer. Any feedback that can be enlightening is highly valued.
Concept ideas selection process – here a whole bunch of ideas are discussed and categorized according to its merits and then the process of elimination begins where the eventual pick is imagined
to be the best concept to go with.
This exercise usually involves the powers that be and all others who have important contributing thoughts on the eventual pick made.
Concept marketing strategy – at this point the concept becomes more detailed and a lot more thought and planning is exercised.
Mistakes or wrong assumptions made at this stage would not bear well on the overall success of the business endeavor as this planning stage is the backbone of eventual promotions tagged to the business engine.
Concept physical development and testing – this stage required the actual reaching out process where the target customer base is used as a guideline to gauge the eventual reception the business, product or service will receive. This exercise is usually carried out as a launching pad for the business.
Source: Arts & Crafts for Cash
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